CIES Football Observatory


Issue n°199 - 17/10/2017

Shots on target:
SSC Naples heads the table

The ability of teams to shoot is a key success factor. This holds even more true with regard to shots on target. Using the exclusive data produced by InStat, issue number 199 of the CIES Football Observatory Weekly Post presents the 100 clubs from the main top division European leagues presenting the highest figures for shots on target per match during the current season.

No team in the competitions surveyed achieved as many shots on target per domestic league game as SSC Napoli: 8.9. The Italian top-ranked team outranks Ajax (8.5) and their opponents in tonight Champions League game Manchester City (8.0).

The number of shots on target correlates inversely with the average distance of shots attempted. The best performing teams not only attempt more shots overall, but shoot on average from a closer range than less competitive sides. Consequently, the percentage of their shots that reach the target is generally higher.

Shots on target per match since the start of the season [A]

[B] Total shots per match / [C] % of shots on target /
At least 8 domestic league matches

Editeurs: Raffaele Poli, Roger Besson and Loïc Ravenel
